In Japan, a drunk policeman fell asleep on the street and lost documents with the data of 400 people

Anna Kholodnova

In the west of Japan, the police lost the documents with the data of the suspect and about 400 other people. He fell asleep on the street in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Kyodo News writes about it.

On Friday, August 12, around 8:30 p.m., a 49-year-old Japanese investigator went to a bar to drink with two of his subordinates. He downed about seven drinks, including beer and shochu, a Japanese distilled beverage containing less than 45% alcohol. Around 11:00 p.m., he accompanied his colleagues to the station, and he himself walked home. The law enforcement officer did not manage to get home and fell asleep on the street.

On Saturday, August 13, the investigator woke up around 5 oʼclock in the morning and realized that he did not have a bag containing work documents.

The police said that these documents contain personal information — the suspectʼs date of birth, home address and place of work. The law enforcement officers have already established that no one has misused these materials so far.