In Cherkasy region, city council members invited the new head of the recruit center to meet, and he handed them summonses

Oleksandra Amru

In Cherkasy region, deputies of the Kaniv city council invited the new head of the territorial recruit center (TRC) to a session to get to know each other. And the representatives of the TRC handed the deputies summonses.

The mayor of Kanev Ihor Renkas told about this in a comment to the local publication 18000.

He said that at the request of the TRC, the city council provided lists of employees of executive bodies and deputies. According to him, the head of the TRC wanted the city council to issue summonses to deputies, but the mayor replied that the city council does not have such powers.

Renkas said that he invited the new military commissar to meet the city council members and introduce himself. He came and announced that now his employees will issue summonses to everyone.

In total, the Kaniv city council has 26 deputies and, according to the mayor, none of them is doing military service. As Oksana Pyatkova, secretary of the city council, told the local publication VyCHErpno, six deputies received summonses at the session. They were notified that they should clarify their military registration data and pass a military medical board.

"Before the session, we distributed these summonses in the city council. Three deputies came to receive them voluntarily. Then we returned the undelivered summonses to the Military Committee, so representatives of the TRC came to the session to hand them out," Pyatkova said.