Pope asks nuns not to gossip or make “sour faces”

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Pope Francis criticized a group of nuns from the Society of Saint Catherine of Siena for the disgruntled expression on their faces and urged them to be more welcoming and avoid gossip.

The Times writes about this.

The pontiff said nuns were showing the world "sour faces" and that women would need "heroic" efforts to stop spreading "poisonous gossip".

"Sometimes in my life I have met nuns with a ʼvinegarʼ face, and it looks unfriendly. That is not what helps attract people [to religion]. Vinegar is disgusting, and nuns with a vinegar face — I will not even talk about it," the Pope said.

So the pontiff called on the nuns to be "heralds of hospitality" and to adopt "a way of life that is friendly and loving toward all."

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