Russia has created a mural dedicated to the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation. An American submarine was painted on it

Oleg Panfilovych

In the Russian city of Hajiyevo (Murmansk region), where the main base of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation is located, they "honored" their submariners by placing a mural with an American submarine.

The Russian edition "Ridus" writes about it.

The mural, which appeared on one of the houses in Hajiyevo, depicted an American nuclear submarine of the class "Los Angeles". City officials initially ignored this, but residents, many of whom served in the Navy, began to complain. Ships of this type in the Barentsevo Sea monitor the migration of Russian units of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation.

The US Navyʼs Los Angeles-based nuclear submarine.

Residents of the city also demand that the artist and officials who approved the project, "were taken care of by the FSB."